The Most Honorable Order of
Christian Knights of the Rose
United States Grand Priory


The Most Honorable Order of Christian Knights of the Rose, also known as the Knights of the Rose (CKR), The Most Honorable Christian Order of the Rose, or the Order of the Rose, is the first ecclesiastical order of chivalry established in the third millennium of the Christian Era.

The Order was formed 15 January 2001. It received a Papal blessing September 2003 from HH Pope John Paul II and a blessing from HH Pope Benedict XVI November 2006. We are an international, interdenominational Order of Chivalry. The headquarters for the Christian Knights of the Rose is in the Edmonton region of Canada where Grandmaster Brent Spencer resides.

The Order received its Non-Profit Status in 2005 and has maintained a 501C3 Non-Profit Status with the State of California and the IRS for its charitable contributions back to our communities.


Why a Knight?

What is it in the image and ideal of a knight that makes us, in the 21st century, wish to emulate a knight? It is because we believe in living to a higher standard of personal commitment than is commonly seen in this modern world. We live to a code of honor, and integrity, and we choose to serve our communities.


Knighthood is a spiritual and emotional way of life

The twelfth century philosopher, John of Salisbury, wrote: “What is the function of orderly knighthood? To protect the Church, to fight against treachery, to reverence the priesthood, to fend off injustice from the poor, to make peace in your own province, to shed blood for your brethren, and if needs must, to lay down your life.” In the context of his day, these were not easy things to live up to; this chosen path was no less challenging than that of the early Christians facing the ways of the Roman world.

These words on orderly knighthood have been transposed into our own Vow of Honor as part of the initiatory rite and the tenets represented by the arms of our Cross of Honor are drawn from that knightly heritage we deem to emulate: Honor, Valor, courage, and Compassion. Let us be found worthy.

The Grand Priory of the United States of America for the Honorable Order of Knights of Saint Michael the Archangel ® is Not an Agency of the United States Government and is a subsidiary of the Knights of the Rose which is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.

They went not for conquest and not for gain, but only to protect the anguished and the innocent.

They suffered greatly and by their heroism in a thousand forgotten battles, they added a luster to the codes we hold dearest:

Duty • Honor • Country • Fidelity • Bravery • Integrity