The Most Honorable Order of
Christian Knights of the Rose

The Bobby Clinton Scholarship fund has been established by The Most Honorable Order of Christian Knights of the Rose United States Grand Priory ® and The Honorable Order of Knights of Saint Michael the Archangel ® to provide an opportunity for assistance and education for men and women in the Public Safety (First Responders) and Military professionals.

Our Public Safety Personnel and Common Defense Personnel give of themselves to protect our country and our communities.  They encounter trials, tribulations and situations that demand courage and quick decisions.  Often their actions and decisions can mean the difference between life and death for them and also for the public.  These situations can cause stress which accumulates throughout the years served and can manifest itself in harmful ways.  These men and women need tools to help them in this atmosphere.  Their families need to avail themselves of support in times of uncertainty and fear for the work their loved ones do.

It is because of this that the Knights of the Rose and the Order of Saint Michael have established the Bobby Clinton Scholarship fund to provide an opportunity for assistance and education for our First Responders in Public Safety and to Military professions.

This fund was established through the generosity of Gloria Clinton and her foundation in memory of her husband Bobby Clinton. Bobby served our country in the United States Military through the California Army National Guard. The Clinton family has always been a giving family and supported youth, military, fire and police. Gloria has also been significant in establishing HEROES of Monterey County. HEROES-Honoring Emergency Responders of Every Service, is a community based volunteer organization dedicated to providing assistance to emergency responders and/or military personnel and their families in the event of a catastrophic occurrence. HEROES promotes and enhances the education, awareness and support for our public safety and military personnel.

Frequently, the Knights of the Rose, The Order of Saint Michael and HEREOS of Monterey County will work on projects together for our First Responder and Military Services and their families.